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 Step 6: to provide some seperation and remove the appearance of the dreaded Uni-Boob , run a zig-zag lin down the middle front of the bra to make two pockets, stopping short of the top in order to make it a little easier to put the insert in.

Now, depending on the size of the inserts, this step may not be needed; For my frame, my 'normal' size inserts are the 2400 gram models, but if you are going for the 'huge tracts of land' look, the middle seam will only make it more difficult to shove those 6000 gram puppies into the bra.

Now: you WILL feel like you are wearing four t-shirts on your front, because you effectively are. the fronts of the tank bras I have are double layer, presumably to provide support. They will be a bit more difficult to put on and take off, and you'll want to put the bra on before putting the inserts in, and take the inserts out before taking the bra off. (I've taken them off with the inserts in place, but it's not a fun time.)

These aren't the lacy, delicate bras- the best I've found in that department are the Glamorize brand, as they have a bit of fabric around the bottom wire that makes a bit of a ledge to keep the inserts from sliding out under the bra.

The other reason why I made these bras is because I don't want to ruin a $40-$60 undergarment by jumping into the pool after a hot day of running around, or if I'm wearing something that's skin tight and thin enough that the lace prints through. (I did that for Ren Faire, though, because I was feeling a little spicy. WORTH IT.) 
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