The briefing room was large enough to hold about 40 people, so it was no surprise that the whole crowd numbered only 20, including me, George, and Jacob. When we entered, the whole room stood at attention, and George had me site down in the front. He started to speak.
"Good afternoon. Most of you know why I've called this meeting. Jacob has found Omega Red's new Hunter. He's just out of his initial training, so don't beat up on him too much." Some muffled laughter circulated through the crowd, except for the Tigereans, who stood stock still, and a bit stern looking. "Let me introduce Corporal Hunt. He is a half Tigerean, half-were with some unusual talents. Corporal?" I stood formally, and walked up to the podium. "Corporal, Could you tell the group what you have been doing for the the past year?"
"Yes Sir. I was in training for the past four months I have been training at Fort McCoy. Before that, I was, uh, a free-lance troubleshooter." I was getting a little stage fright. My self confidence started eroding away like a sand castle at high tide. My thoughts started rushing, and I felt my self image becoming torn inside. I looked at the audience. I didnt know any of these folks. What would they say if I told them who I really was? My thoughts were interrupted by George. "I wouldn't put it quite that way, Corporal. You can speak the truth down here. No one will shun you because of what you've been doing." I sighed, slumped a little, and cleared my throat. "The 'job' was being the vigilante Tigerpaw. I caught the criminals that the Wisconsin and Illinois police wouldn't touch. At least those that were not already elected."This got a chuckle from a few of the assembled group. " I killed a few of em, but only because they tried killing me." George cut in. "I wouldn't be ashamed of that. We've got the worst 'honest' scum in the world down here. But they are all good folks. So, cheer up. We are proud to have you. Now, Can you do that other thing, or is there not enough room?" He started to grin. I inwardly groaned. "There's room enough. The real question is, am I gonna clear the room. Jacob damm near freaked. I didn't show anyone in my training group because of that reaction.I only gained control of it during the few session that I had to myself in the forest." George shook his head. "I don't think so. Anyone interested?" He called out into the room. Everyone raised a hand or paw. "The crowd demands it." I sighed in defeat. "Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you."
I took my jacket off, and shifted up to hybrid. "This is my Hybrid form. As you can tell, it almost identical to a Tigerean, but there are differences. The next form is the freaky one. I calmed my mind, and then triggered the Über-shift slowly. I felt the usual sensations, and was then aware that everyone was staring at me. I looked down, realized the my clothing had not been absorbed like they had last time. < Damn polyesters > I thought. Don't worry, nothing is showing a voice replied back. < Whoa, Who's this in here with me? > Don't worry, you are not going crazy. I'm in the audience. < Oh, you must be a telepath. I've heard about your kind. I can't talk in this form, so I'm going to down shift back to my full form. > O.K. I triggered the shift back down to my full form, and then cleared my throat and said, "Sorry 'bout that folks. I can't talk in that form. Slight disadvantage for having the power to punch though a concrete wall, I guess. You will forgive me if I stay in this form for a while. The Army saw fit to give me polyester clothing, and I can't absorb it like I can with cotton."
This display got a silenced crowd for a bit. The Tigereans were completely dumbfounded, and started talking amongst themselves for a bit, begome rather animated tword the end. George let them go for a bit. I distinctly heard the phrase 'the prophecy must have come true' in the conversation. The only person that knew I could read, write, and speak Tigerean Standard here was George. George finally got the group under control again. "Tigerpaw has a few other talents, some of which will emerge later, I think. But for now, Let's get back to work. Omega Blue is dismissed. Red, Stay here and meet your new teammate." 11 people got up and left. All four Tigereans stayed behind, still talking to themselves. Three people got up and came over. George spoke up. "Tigerpaw, we don't have a nudity taboo down here. Everyone takes their pants off the same way." This elicited several laughs. "No worries." I said, and shifted upward into my 'furry' mode, which can be gender neutral if I wanted it to be. This got more laughter. The first human-looking one came up and introduced himself. "I'm Hawk", he said, and started growing feathers on his face. "That explains the looks I was getting from you in the audience. I've never met a bird morph before." "My kind are exceptionally rare." "Let me guess. You do aerial recon?" I started tail-grinning. "Matter of fact, yes. I am also one of the Team's snipers. 'Death from Above' is my motto." His eyes held a bemused look. The next person was the other sniper, a quiet bear-morph named Shaft who was deadly with a crossbow.
The Tigerean came over finally. The obvious leader of the four introduced the entire group. "My name is Me'Neath. I am the Leader of Red Team." He pointed the rest out. "This one is Ch'Mee. He is the leader of Blue Team. This one is Sim'am. He is the other Hunter for Red. Lastly, we have Ni'Coth, One of the Blue Hunters. We are very interested in you. I will be your mentor for the next few months. Please wait here until George states to follow."
George went over and talked with the Tigereans for a few minutes. Jacob came over and asked me how I felt. "a bit nervous. I don't usually bare my soul for strangers." Jacob smiled. "Don't worry. You might be interested to know that I was number 20 on the FBI's most wanted list when it first came out, which was as high as you could go for armed robbery without killing anyone at that time." "Ah, Now I see why you got the name Shadow and Darkwolf." "Indeed. Oh, you're up slugger." Jacob indicated that George was requesting me. I walked over. "Corporal, you are going to be mentoring with Me'Neath here for a few months, as he has already mentioned to you. He will also assist you with getting your possessions." He indicated a person next to him. "June will get your housing done, and will also get your access to the base cleared. We have other entry points then just the base garbage dump, fortunatly. Follow her, please." June stared moving off, and I heard that voice again: Come along you two. We are wasting time. I looked at Me'Neath, who just shrugged, and we started off after her.