I was deep in a meditation when I felt a rather insistent tap on my shoulder.
I muttered softly "If you don't stop that tapping I'm going to show you a new
definition of pain." The tap grew a claw and started poking. I sighed,
realized that the session was ruined anyway, and shook myself awake. I stood up,
turned on the werebear that had backed away, and looked at him rather seriously.
"This better be good. It's very dangerous to startle someone out of a trance."
Shaft looked nervously at me. "I- I- I'm s- s- sorr- sorry." he stuttered out.
I looked at him again, my gaze softening. "It's ok. I'm just slightly annoyed.
What's going on?"
He started speaking in a sing-song voice, but without a
stutter, that something was being planned and that Red team was being gathered
for a search in the D.C. area. "The meeting is in the main briefing room in
ten minutes". he sang. I thanked him, decided to show up on all fours, and did so.
George was steamed. Here he had everyone except Shaft and Tigerpaw, and the briefing was supposed to start ten minutes ago. Shaft walked in the door, and went to take his seat, but George caught him first. "Where is he?", He bellowed. Shaft stuttered a bit, but caught himself and sang out, "he's coming" and quickly took his seat. The door opened a second time, and a large Siberian tiger strolled in. "Tigerpaw, I'd like to see you in something approaching human if you are to attend." A grunt, and some crackling noise later, and Tigerpaw stood up on two legs, and took his seat.
"I was meditating, if you must know, and lost track of time. I am sorry." I stated after shifting up to morph. George shot me a very nasty look. "Perhaps an alarm clock would work next time, Mr. Hunt? But let's start, we are running late anyway. This is a simple search and capture mission. We have word that the Peace summit in Geneva that will occur in two weeks time will be sabotaged by one or more agents who wish to see that war continues between North and South Korea." We all knew that that was a bloody thing, ever since it flared up in 2087 after over 130 years of uneasy peace, someone decided to try and bring not only the rest of the world into war, but the Tigereans as well. Only by careful movement did the US make sure that it was in the eyes of the public, aiding either side. The Tigereans cut their losses and moved as many of their people out. In secret though. the U.S. was aiding their former allies, the South Korean, and the Tigereans were quietly assisting both sides with intelligence.
"As you no doubt are aware, we are going to need to move extra carefully in this. We can not have any explosions in the area, or we will spook both sides. Besides, After the last incident, we've run out of evidence bags in which to collect friend and foe." He finished with a wry grin. "That's good Boss", I chirped, "Because I want to walk away from it this time." A smattering of laughter washed over the room. George continued, "Both sides will be sending their diplomats, and a small squad of honor guards to see that they will not be attacked. The entire event will be patrolled by Tigerean troops, who are acting under the Tigerean planetary ambassador, who is making this attempt at peace for some unknown reason. You will be given detailed mission briefs in 30 minutes. You will then have three hours to study those, and you will be moving out in three days time. That is all for now, except for you, Tigerpaw. I must speak with you and Shaft."
The rest of the team broke except for me, Shaft, Me'Neath, and George. "Me'Neath, I do not need to talk with you." Me'Neath stood his ground and stated simply, "This involves two of my men. I must know." George looked at him more sternly, and spoke at him directly: "You. Are. Dismissed. Understood.?" Me'Neath wilted at this, and left. George turned on us, and said bluntly, "My office. Ten minutes." He then stalked out of the office, muttering "Damm subordinates." "Shaft, I'm sorry I got you into this." He looked at me with those deep, quiet eyes. "It's not your fault. We are the two best member of the team. We've been selected for something. What it is, I'm afraid, I don't know." Precisely 9 minutes and 59 seconds later, we knocked on George's door. a muffled "Come in" was heard, and we went in."
There was someone else in the office with George. This someone else was dressed
in a huge, long, grey cloak that looked older then dirt. In one paw(?) he held a
gnarled staff, and from under the hood of the cloak, he had orange eyes. In his
other paw, he had a modern looking laptop bag, if maybe a couple years out of date.
I looked at Shaft, who looked positively terrified. A gravely voice from under
the hood spoke. "Please, take a seat. You've been Chosen for your talents, and
possibly for your destiny." A shiver ran down my armored spine. This guy was
positively creepy. "Scared? Don't be scared of me, but of a possible future. A future
that partially hinges on the peace treaty being signed. You will not be part of
the Red Team's mission, but you will be on special assignment to guard and protect me
and my two friend while we advise the two sides on what is to come." I recovered myself
and the bold part of me came out. "Show yourself. Who are you?" He chuckled. "You ask who
I am, Se'Matak Hunt, Son of Frank hunt and Sh'marl Katrina of the Ch'Mar clan, when you
should ask who you really are. You are human, and yet, beyond human. You are Tigerean,
and yet, beyond Tigerean in both abilities and will. To spark the ire of a were-mule
is no small thing, but to be flagrant about it, that says something. You wish to see my
face? I will show you this, and many more things. Prophecy indeed!"
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