Authors Note:

This story is set in the Tales from the Blind Pig universe, an open universe where you (or a character of your choosing) can be a Normal human (Norms), or a person inflicted with SCABS. SCABS stands for Steins Chronic Accelerated Bio-morphic Syndrome. It started in 2001 when the Space Probe Beagle II returned to earth after gathering samples from Mars. Somehow, containment was broken after the probe re-entered the atmosphere, and the Martian Flu was release. The Flu is an airborne virus, which in roughly 60% of those who survive it retain their human form. The other 40% experience some form of changes: The large majority change in some degree into an animal. For most of these animorphs, the shift is partial and permanent. A small percentage of those gain the ability to shift between the full animal to full human, or anything in between. Then there are the gender-morphs, the people who change sex (or can freely switch back and forth) A smaller percentage of the remainder are the Chrono-morphs, who age at a different rate then others. A few very select people with this can change others, but this ability is quite rare. Then there are the inamorphs. These people have ceased to be living beings, but instead resemble animated inanimate objects (such as a plushie, or a creature made out of clay, or just about anything else). Rarest of all are the polymorphs, which have no limits, and can literally be anything.

You can read more about this universe, or selected stories in this universe, at the following Internet site:

The people, places, and events in this story are fictional, or intended as such. And co-incidence to reality is by chance. Except for my character “Tiger”, who resembles my gestalt in this world.

This was written using, on a Sony Vaio laptop running windows 2000. Big furry shouts to the following people for giving me the urge to start this insanity:

Mark Van Sciver, for creating the universe, and letting the world play in it. Thanks!

Fox Cutter, whose writings are awesome, and should be published.

Brian Antione, who probably didn't realize it. Thanks! Say Hi to Kalindra!

T.H.E.M., ASU's Sci-fi and Anime Club (a few of whom also participated!)

Steven Will Tanner (SWT), whose wacky 8-bit remixes provided a bit of brain juice.

Mother, for putting up with me.

Probably a few others.

Jeremy “Tiger” Cook, Phoenix, AZ, November 2004 NaNoWriMo All rights reserved.


November 5th, 2018: 14:00

:: Sir? ::

:: Wake up, Sir; You have an appointment in 1 hour and 30 minutes ::

Sam, the smooth male voice of the IVVS (Interactive Voice/Video System), wakes me up from my nap. I stretch out a bit, get up, shake my self to at least get the fur straightened out, and pad to the door, yawning hugely. “Sam, what time is it?”

:: It’s 1400. You requested me to wake you if you were still asleep at this time. ::

With Kerry at work and me permanently at home (per the court’s request, which was accompanied with a leg bracelet and a radio link), I have installed a voice interaction system in order for me to interact with the master security computer easier. I tend to stay in full morph more often now, even though I have absolutely no time limitations anymore. I'm also napping a lot more, which I'm sure is not healthy. Today, I have a meeting with an author who is writing a biographical essay and analysis of the Phoenix Riots. How he figured out where I live and my ultimate role in the riots, I will probably never figure out. He contacted me about a week ago to interview me about my part in the infamous disaster. Normally, I do not do interviews. Especially interviews without Kerry being present. But he wanted to speak with me alone, and he also wanted to interview Kerry alone and both of us together. So, I talked it over with her, and we decided to do the interview. I figured that it would at least set the record straight about what really happened in Arizona.

I padded over to the full length mirror, and looked myself over. I looked ok, but I had more then a few ruffles, and I did not smell quite right, so a shower was in order. As I padded over to the shower, I mused over the fact that showers took a lot longer now with all this fur.

Back in 2001, after the initial scare, Life got mostly back down to normal. Then came the second slap in the face about six months later after some guy in Austria turned into a horse. After that, Things just got strange. I was on my way back home from Texas, and picked up the Flu from some poor sod on the plane. Next thing I clearly remember was being woken up in the middle of the night by my body shifting from my human form into

a Siberian tiger. Big honking one too. I was a big guy before the change, but now i was a big cat.

After I got out of the blow dryer, I asked Sam for the time, and also placed a phone call to Kerry. The phone call was also part of the court order. The courts were kind enough to keep Kerry as my legal guardian after the second incident in which I saved her life, and damn near leveled a 5 story building after killing a serial rapist who made the fatal mistake of kidnapping Kerry. I can not remember just how I managed to trash the structural integrity of the building, and the Beast will not tell me either. In any case, the bracelet and phone call is part of my not being parked in a “SCABS rehabilitation and relocation program” which is a nice way of saying “Let's drug you senseless, put you in a zoo, and take all your money to pay for it”. According to the settlement, I have to wear this bracelet when I'm inside the house, I can roam a maximum of a 250 foot radius outside the house, and I have to call Kerry at designated times through out the day to prove that I'm still sane. But it was that or the alternative, and it was the best that my lawyer could manage. I'm still paying the bills from it, but fortunately, the investments have been quite good this past two years. And the building was condemned anyway, even before I trashed all the interior supports. The note from the owner thanking me for paying to tear it down brought a few minutes laughter to me.

Kerry is in her usual busy humor:



Hi. It is the kitty calling.

“Kitty! How’s the big fuzzy doing? Been sleeping again?”

Yes. Sam had to wake me up. Got that interview in about half an hour, just wanted to know if you will be home as promised.


And that other thing as well.

“Oh. The usual? Feeling sane? No killer instincts? No desire to plow through buildings?” She is chuckling now.

Yes, Yes, No, and No. Silly girl.

“Coming from a silly kitty, it's not a big stretch. Gotta run kitty, band just walked in. Love you”

Love you too. Bye.


Ten minutes to go. I nudge chairs around, and get things ready. I barely get done, when Sam pipes in that someone has entered the perimeter. I acknowledge him, and ask him to record this on the video camera, just in case. I am only doing this once.

BING BONG! The doorbell rings, and I have Sam pop the lock and open the door.

“Hello? Mr. Tiger?”

“Just Tiger. I am inside in the kitchen. Please come in. Sam will guide you to me.”

I hear Sam giving my guest directions to the dining area as I finish pushing the last chair in place. I hop up on my bench and look at the aisle where my guest, Mr. Ecker appears.

“Good afternoon Mr Ecker. I am Tiger, as you have probably guessed. Sam is the IVVS for the house computer, and he will be recording this conversation, if that is ok with you, per the court's request, to avoid any foul play by either myself, or you.”

He nods, and I offer him a seat. He sits down and gets comfortable, and he starts off the conversation.

“Thank you for allowing this interview. As I explained in my letter, I am writing an historical analysis of the Riots in order to determine why events happened as fast as they did. From what my research tells me, You and Kerry are one of the few SCABS survivors from the riots. I want to know from your point of view why the riots occurred so quickly after the Legislature passed the Anti-SCABS bill, and what happened during the riots themselves. Along the way I might ask some other related questions as well.”

“Such as the two incidents that happened after I moved here? I assure you, the incidents and the Riots are not related. Those happened due to several other factors, Mostly relating to that Barnes character. But then, the Humans First movement was fairly well documented here. In Phoenix, it was considerably worse, and that is where I imagine the Firster's movement got it's start.”

Mr Ecker shook his head. I caught a faint scent of something, Not quite sure what. I could not place it anywhere, but it is in his hair. “No. Nothing involving the Firster's here. Did that group really have it's start in Phoenix, though? That would explain a few things, at least.”

“That group did not have that name, but I am certain that in the exodus, a few people with that leaning left to sow hate and discord elsewhere. Probably to force the federal government to honor the Arizona nation's laws. They definitely had the same principles, though. They hated SCABS. There are still days that I wonder just how they managed to get the legislature to pass that. But still, that is all a distant memory now. That was almost 13 years ago. But as you are here for precisely that reason, I supposed I can dig up old memories and horrors one last time. Before we begin, can I get you something to drink as you set up your equipment?”

“Just water thanks. Maybe something later.” I go and get his drink, and pull mine as well from the refrigerator, shifting to two legged form as I hop off the bench. As I return, I catch the scent again. It's faint, barely discernible even to my nose, but it's annoying nonetheless. I drop back down to all fours as I get back on the bench. Fortunately, the police made damn sure that the media never got a whiff of my capabilities, and only a few people know, so I'm pretty certain that Mr. Ecker knows that all I'm capable is the temporary shift, and possibly the -Taur form if his research has been as good as his boasting. Although video recording is more common then audio recording now, I notice that he's using an old style audio recorder which uses the old SD cards. Sure, it's outdated, but the standard is still supported and the stuff lasts forever. I notice that it's a bit beat up, but otherwise it looks like it's been well taken care of. I get back on the bench, and get comfy. “Where would you like to begin, Mr Ecker?” He grins slightly, and starts.

“We all know that the Riots were directly caused by the fact that the Arizona State Legislature passed the SCABS Re-location and Compensation Act of 2005, despite the outrage of the entire worldwide SCABS community, the Federal Government, and several large businesses that had set up R&D facilities in Arizona. The Phoenix, Tucson, and Flagstaff SCABS populations came out in force the day after it was signed, and were promptly met by and equal amount of Anti-SCABS supporters, as well as a large amount of police forces. It was mostly peaceful, until someone in the Anti SCABS camp started shooting. We also know what the result of that shot was. Over 100 dead, mostly peaceful SCABS who were either trying to get out of harms way, or were shot by the police or the supporters. The retaliation from that one incident not only sparks incidents across the country, but started a flurry of riots and general anarchy in the Phoenix area for three months afterwards. What I'd like from you is a narrative from your point of view, and later Kerry's point of view, as to what happened from the week prior to the act being passed, to the end of the riots when the Marines were sent in to restore order long enough to get all the SCABS out. And then, I'd like to ask both of you questions on specific incidents, either from your narratives, or from my research.”

I mulled over for this for a bit. “Those were not pleasant times, either for me, a known (and easily recognizable SCAB), and Kerry, who was seen as a sympathizer, although she has SCABS as well. It was also a bit intense. Let me make one more phone call before we begin. Sam, Call Kerry's Cell.”

::“Ringing...... Live”::


“Hi Kerry. I have Mr. Ecker here, and we are about to begin. You might want to cut out early if possible.”

“Sure, no problem. The band wanted to look around anyway. They like the place, and they liked the Nazi Net.”

“I am glad someone likes it. See you in a bit.”

::“Call ended”.::

Mr Ecker looks at me funny, and I tell him about the Nazi Net. “The Nazi Net is the recording studio's internal network, for use in transferring captured audio from the studios to the edit bays, and for mixing. It is a highly secured network, which i am proud to say that I designed. We have had no security incidents apart from one person who tried to compromise the out firewall system. He is in jail at the moment serving a 20 year sentence. Apparently, he also tried to break into the Military's networks as well. Sam, what is Kerry's ETA to home, with current traffic?”

Sam piped in after a few seconds work. ::“30 minutes, barring any future accidents or other trouble.”::

“OK. Thanks Sam.” Turning to Mr. Ecker, I nodded sagely. Shall we get started then?”